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Thursday, June 26, 2014

Romance Meets Life

Romance Meets Life

President Barack Obama Watching The USA Vs Germany Game Aboard Air Force One

Posted: 26 Jun 2014 08:08 PM PDT

The President of the United States of America, Barack Obama saw the World Cup game between the United States men's national soccer team and Germany aboard his Air Force One while he was en-route Minneapolis.

While people like Ann Coulter keep ranting rubbish about the beautiful game, fans of soccer keep winning. I pray the US team goes far in the world cup.

The United States lost 1-0, courtesy of a Thomas Muller strike, but still progressed to the second round of the World Cup where they will meet Belgium.

See another picture below...

Ann Coulter Bashes The World Cup, Says Soccer is a Sign of America's Moral Decay Due to Immigration

Posted: 26 Jun 2014 07:32 PM PDT

Ann Coulter is an American republican, she loves being controversial, and her favorite past-time is goading liberals and bashing minorities - now the list includes football, or soccer as it is known in the United States.

The conservative columnist took the time yesterday to air her views on the apparently increasing popularity of soccer in America since the 2014 FIFA World Cup. And she chose the morning of the U.S. Men's National Team's most important match of the mundial to stir up the waters. Her title? "America's Favorite National Pastime: Hating Soccer."

Ann Coulter complains about everything in the beautiful game, from the length to the rule about not using hands, to the team play required. Everything about soccer according to her is dirty and disgusting. She rounds off by saying soccer is only enjoyed by immigrants and real Americans don't watch soccer.

Check out excerpts from her commentarys below

I've held off on writing about soccer for a decade -- or about the length of the average soccer game -- so as not to offend anyone. But enough is enough. Any growing interest in soccer can only be a sign of the nation's moral decay.

(1) Individual achievement is not a big factor in soccer.

In soccer, the blame is dispersed and almost no one scores anyway. There are no heroes, no losers, no accountability, and no child's fragile self-esteem is bruised. There's a reason perpetually alarmed women are called "soccer moms," not "football moms."

Do they even have MVPs in soccer? Everyone just runs up and down the field and, every once in a while, a ball accidentally goes in. That's when we're supposed to go wild. I'm already asleep.

(2) Liberal moms like soccer because it's a sport in which athletic talent finds so little expression that girls can play with boys. No serious sport is co-ed, even at the kindergarten level.

(3) No other "sport" ends in as many scoreless ties as soccer. 
If Michael Jackson had treated his chronic insomnia with a tape of Argentina vs. Brazil instead of Propofol, he'd still be alive, although bored.

(4) The prospect of either personal humiliation or major injury is required to count as a sport. Most sports are sublimated warfare. 
 In hockey, there are three or four fights a game -- and it's not a stroll on beach to be on ice with a puck flying around at 100 miles per hour. After a football game, ambulances carry off the wounded. After a soccer game, every player gets a ribbon and a juice box.

(5) You can't use your hands in soccer.

(6) I resent the force-fed aspect of soccer. The same people trying to push soccer on Americans are the ones demanding that we love HBO's "Girls," light-rail, Beyonce and Hillary Clinton.

(7) It's foreign. In fact, that's the precise reason the Times is constantly hectoring Americans to love soccer. One group of sports fans with whom soccer is not "catching on" at all, is African-Americans. They remain distinctly unimpressed by the fact that the French like it.

(8) Soccer is like the metric system, which liberals also adore because it's European. Naturally, the metric system emerged from the French Revolution, during the brief intervals when they weren't committing mass murder by guillotine.

(9) Soccer is not "catching on."

The USA-Portugal game was the blockbuster match, garnering 18.2 million viewers on ESPN. NFL playoff games get 30 to 40 million viewers; and this year's Super Bowl had 111.5 million viewers.

Remember when the media tried to foist British soccer star David Beckham and his permanently camera-ready wife on us a few years ago? Their arrival in America was heralded with 24-7 news coverage. That lasted about two days. Ratings tanked. No one cared.

If more "Americans" are watching soccer today, it's only because of the demographic switch effected by Teddy Kennedy's 1965 immigration law. I promise you: No American whose great-grandfather was born here is watching soccer. One can only hope that, in addition to learning English, these new Americans will drop their soccer fetish with time. 

Matt Lauer Asks Mary Barra If She Can Run General Motors and Be a Good Mom Too

Posted: 26 Jun 2014 05:54 PM PDT

In an interview for the TODAY Show, Matt Lauer asked the CEO of General Motors, Mary Barra, if it was possible for her to run a major company and be a good mom at the same time. 

I'm kind of disappointed in Matt Lauer. Like, really? Did he have no better questions to ask the CEO of General Motors than whether she thinks she's a good mom? There are recalls and failures in leadership at GM and we're emphasizing on the CEO's parenting skills?

Maybe we should ask Matt Lauer, are you able to do your job as anchor of the TODAY show at NBC and be a good dad? Parenting should be the last thing a serious news anchor like Matt Lauer should ask someone when they have come on air for an interview about their professional life!

Below are some excerpts from the transcript of that part of the interview:

LAUER: You're a mom, I mentioned, two kids. You said in an interview not long ago that your kids told you they're going to hold you accountable for one job and that is being a mom.

BARRA: Correct. (smiling.)

LAUER: Given the pressures of this job at General Motors, can you do both well?

BARRA: You know, I think I can. I have a great team, we're on the right path…I have a wonderful family, a supportive husband and I'm pretty proud of the way my kids are supporting me in this.

Matt Lauer also asked her if she thinks the speculations that GM needed a maternal figure to guide the company through a rocky time, and that is the reason she got the job rather than her 30 years of experience at the company.

LAUER: I want to tread lightly here. You've heard this, you heard it in Congress. You got this job because you're hugely qualified, 30 years in this company a variety of different jobs. But some people are speculating that you also got this job because as a woman and as a mom because people within General Motors knew this company was in for a very tough time and as a woman and a mom you could present a softer image and softer face for this company as it goes through this horrible episode. Does it make sense or does it make you bristle?

BARRA: Well it's absolutely not true. I believe I was selected for this job based on my qualificiations. We dealt with this issue — when the senior leadership of this company knew about this issue, we dealt with this issue.

I like how she handled herself in answering Matt Lauer, but those questions were totally uncalled for.

Photos: Beyonce Shows Bare Pregnant Belly During On The Run Tour With Jay Z

Posted: 26 Jun 2014 08:30 PM PDT

Beyonce and Jay Z have started their On The Run concert and during the show, the couple played private home video that showed Beyonce's bare baby bump. This is for those who believe or think that the singer didn't carry her baby.

With Kelly's recent pregnancy and her the former Destiny Child's bandmate of Beyonce loving to show off her bump [see here], many are talking again of Beyonce over protectiveness of her own pregnancy belly. Well, Jay Z and Beyonce are using their concert and these home videos to open up further to their fans and squash a lot of the rumors about them.

The couple not only shared Beyonce's bare pregnant belly, they also shared home movie clips of their private 2008 wedding as well as those of growing baby Blue Ivy. Beyonce had talked about her earlier miscarriage and giving birth to Blue Ivy HERE.

See some videos below...

Woman Gives Birth After 14 Years Pregnancy - Some Say Miracle, I Call Foul!

Posted: 26 Jun 2014 12:01 PM PDT

Mercy James of Lagos is said to have delivered a baby girl after 14 years of being pregnant, and she has named the baby 'her miracle'. Mercy will be a single parent, since the man who supposedly got her pregnant 14 years ago abandoned her a year after she said she first got pregnant.

In her story, Mercy said she gave birth to the baby at a Celestial Church, and admitted that she was unconscious for over 15 minutes during labor, and it was only after she was revived the midwife handed the baby to her. If this is not proof enough for those who believe this story how much of a scam it is, then I don't know what else to say.

Oh yes, I know what to add. Do a DNA test!

Read on for the Vanguard report of Mercy's testimony and the support from the midwife and one of Mercy's friends who took her to the church but also did not witness the birth.

Read another Scam - Wombless Woman Gives Birth

Mercy James narates the genesis of her ordeal;

"When I first took in, I knew that I was pregnant with signs and test that confirmed that I was. Four months later, I went to hospital for another test, the result showed that I wasn't pregnant, but had fibroid.

Subsequently, I began to experience bleeding, at least once a day. Sometimes, my tummy would protrude in the semblance of pregnancy. I went to different hospitals, and I kept on receiving the same result that nothing was wrong with me. But deep down inside , I knew that all was not well with me.

So I was taken aback when a midwife told me I was pregnant. But considering the test which showed I had fibroid, I was angry with the midwife for giving me what I felt was a false prophecy of hope. Thereafter, I started going from one church to another and from one native doctor to the other. The results that I got from them all remained the same. I became more feeble and confused that I prayed for death to come.

"I went again to the midwife two years after and complained to her about the pains that I was going through, she told me again that it was not fibroid but pregnancy; she advised me to be more prayerful so that God will deliver me from the hands of the devil. I kept on praying and at the same time asking myself that if truly I'm pregnant, why is it that the baby was not kicking?I bought many concoctions that they said could cure fibroid and drank them. I even drank 12 bottles of a local cleanser but to no avail. This went on for years. Then God took pity on me and decided to wipe my tears.On the day I gave birth to my baby girl, I initially thought that worms were trying to come out of my body not knowing that it was a baby. This was what I told the midwife when we came to her. But after examining me she told me to push.

I ignored her. I became unconscious for about 15 minutes and when I regained consciousness, I heard the cry of a baby. I was surprised and confused seeing my baby. I couldn't believe my eyes. Hmm,I thank God for my life and that of my baby Miracle. I named her Miracle because she is truly a miraculous child".

The midwife at the Celestial Church of Christ, Kadoso Parish, Ajegunle where Mercy gave birth confirmed the development, especially the role she played.

The woman who simply gave her name as Mrs Ajetima said:

"She was pregnant for 14 years and was unable to give birth during this period. Then on Saturday around 6:30am I saw two persons carrying her to this place. When she came inside, I laid her down and asked one of my daughters to examine her, after the examination, I found out that it was a baby that was about coming out and not worms. I asked her to push and she refused. My daughter gave her a hard slap on her laps since she refused to push.

Behold a baby with placenta came out! I started shouting, calling on people to come and see for themselves that Mercy was truly pregnant, because if not, people will start to say that that Celestial woman has given Mercy a baby. Within a twinkle of an eye, the whole place was filled with people. God is wonderful".

Also affirming the happy development, Mercy's closest friend, Odunayo Odeyemi said:

"I have known mercy for over nine years now. I met her with the pregnancy . In fact, she did not know that she was pregnant. I followed her to many places but her problems kept on increasing. Merely looking at Mercy then before she gave birth, you will notice that she wasn't okay. I kept advising her to have faith in God because I had experienced the same thing. I was pregnant for three years and three months and God delivered me.

"Mercy came to me on that fateful day around 4am begging me to give her a pain reliever, that she was having pains all over her body. I dressed up and took her to a man that sells drugs. After taking the drug, on our way home, she started having serious pains. I called her brother and we both took her to the midwife. Hours later, she gave birth to a bouncing baby girl. We all were surprised because we never expected such a miracle to happen. She had a complete baby."

On the father of Baby Miracle, Mercy informed that they got separated on account of the ordeal that attended her pregnancy.

"Friday is the name of my baby's father. Actually, we are not married. He just proposed to me and I became pregnant for him. He knew about the pregnancy. He always gave me money for tests and scans but he got tired and left me after waiting for me for over a year without seeing any sign of a baby. I have no option than to go my own way,"

George Clooney Gets Two New Protection Laws in Lake Como Ahead of Marriage to Amal Alamuddin

Posted: 26 Jun 2014 10:02 AM PDT

George Clooney and his lawyer fiancé Amal Alamuddin, are planning their wedding this fall, and it appears he wants his big day to be very exclusive.

The very private actor and humanitarian activist does not want fans or paparazzi to spoil his big day so he has been able to get the council of Lagilo to approve new laws meaning that anyone who trespasses around his home in Lake Como, Italy, or is an uninvited guest will be fined heavily.

The couple have been notoriously private since they got engaged last April and are rarely photographed together. It is expected that Goerge Clooney and Amal Alamuddin will have a small wedding in September.

According to the mayor of Lagilo no official request has been made for the nuptials to be held in Lagilo but they are ready for any kind of request.

The new restrictions which were announced on July 21 will prevent anyone from stopping on both the sides of the road outside his villa and also prevents everyone from getting closer to the water outside his house 24 hours a day.

The fines are quite huge as anyone swimming or sailing on the lake side of the property within 100 meters of George Clooney's property can be fined up to 500 euros.

George Clooney got the laws approved over the weekend just before Amal Alamuddin's mother Baria Alamuddin, and his mother in law to be, visited the couple and stayed at their Como home away from the eyes of the public and the paparazzi.

It sure is good to have money and connections :)

Luis Suarez Gets Four-Month Ban as Funny Memes For Italy Bite Go Viral

Posted: 26 Jun 2014 09:05 AM PDT

Luis Suarez has been suspended for nine international matches and banned from football for four months for biting an opponent. Fifa took action after Suarez sank his teeth into Italian defender Giorgio Chiellini's shoulder during Uruguay's world cup match with Italy.

In the time since the bite took place last Tuesday, plenty of memes and jokes have been doing the rounds on social media mocking the Uruguay striker.

Check out some of the funniest memes below..

The infamous "Charlie bit my finger" video - released in 2007 and watched over 700 million times - has also been revamped to feature Luis Suarez.

Magazine Covers - Rihanna on Harper's Bazaar Arabia is Glam and Demure At The Same Time

Posted: 26 Jun 2014 08:37 AM PDT

Rihanna has turned Arabic, lol... maybe not. But she is on the cover of Harper's Bazaar Arabia and as they say, when in Rome, I mean Arabia, you do like them.

Just a few weeks since Rihanna's controversial, sheer gown at the CFDA Awards [read here], the singer is very conservative for the July cover of Harper's Bazaar Arabia, and the only sheer material is the veil covering her face.

The pop star poses in sequins, hoods and head wraps for the glamorous spread which she shared on her Twitter earlier today. One shot in particular, showcases her in a glittering black bodysuit that practically covers her from head to toe, and she has on a face mask too.

Maternity Style - Kelly Rowland Shows Off Her Baby Bump in White Crop Top

Posted: 26 Jun 2014 08:05 AM PDT

Kelly Rowland sure loves showing off her baby bump [see here]. The singer was photographed attending the JayZ and Beyoncé's On the Run opening concert in Miami.

The mom-to-be who confirmed her pregnancy a couple of weeks ago, showed off her growing baby bump, again, in this white crop top and form fitting skirt that fell to just below her knees.

She is simply beautiful, and that pixie cut always looks great on her. More photos below...

Public Sex is Legal In Amsterdam and Copenhagen Parks, But Will You Do It?

Posted: 26 Jun 2014 07:48 AM PDT

So, a couple of public parks in Europe allow sex in them. The rules at the Amsterdam Vondelpark says it's totally ok to have sex in the park as long as it is in the evening or night time when children are less likely to be there. Also, you have to pick up your condoms. That is assuming you use one

The Dutch police are in full support of the legalization and are actually encouraging other parks to follow suit so as to make their work easier. They say people already do it and arresting mating couples is just too embarrassing and unnecessary.

The same as another park in Copenhagen (Denmark) with the following rules.

"Sex in the park is allowed. But show some consideration.
Many children institutions use the park.
Therefore please avoid:
Sex in the playground and visible places between 9 am and 4 pm.
Loud sex in hiding between 9 am and 4 pm.
Remember to:
Remove semen from the benches after the act.
Leave condoms and used napkins in the bin.
The city hall of Copenhagen calls for safe sex.

So would you have sex in such a park or any other public place?

Personally I think what happens in a bedroom should stay in a bedroom, or at least within your home or property. I don't want to think about seeing other people having sex in public places. Maybe I won't mind. I can always look away, not like I don't see it on TV or movies. Thats just me.

Some might say though that public parks should not legalize sex because they may want to visit with their children, and certainly you don't want to traumatize minors with the sight of the "do".

What do you think? Comment and Vote.

Rihanna Will Not Be Happy as Kevin-Prince Boateng Suspended and Sent Home From The World Cup

Posted: 26 Jun 2014 06:51 AM PDT

 Rihanna had her eyes on Kevin-Prince Boateng during the Ghanaian -USA world cup match last week, when she said she was team Ghana because of him, "Da Bae doe! I might have to b team Ghana on this one idc idc idc," she had tweeted.

Unfortunately, Kevin-Prince Boateng, and Sulley Muntari have been suspended indefinitely for disciplinary reasons, and sent home immediately from Brazil. They will not be playing the next Ghana match with Portugal.

Boateng was suspended indefinitely for what the FA said were "vulgar verbal insults" aimed at the team's coach, James Appiah, during training.

Boateng confirmed he had been sent home, but denied the charges, telling the German magazine Sport-Bild:

"Sulley Muntari and I were just joking around, and the coach stopped the session and sent us back to the changing room. "Afterwards I went to him and asked what he had against me and he started yelling. He insulted me. There were words like: 'Fuck off.'"

Boateng said he "absolutely accepts" his suspension, but added: "No one should think I insulted the coach. I'm travelling now, and I wish my colleagues all the best for the match against Portugal."

Ghana's FA also released a statement to confirm that Muntari had been suspended for what they alleged was "an unprovoked physical attack" on an FA executive committee member. The statement read:

"The Ghana Football Association has suspended Sulley Ali Muntari indefinitely from the Black Stars with immediate effect. "The decision was taken in the wake of his unprovoked physical attack on an Executive Committee member of the GFA and a management member of the Black Stars, Mr Moses Armah on Tuesday 24 June, 2014 during a meeting. Muntari's accreditation for the 2014 World Cup has been withdrawn with immediate effect."

The row over player fees had led to players refusing to train on Tuesday, prompting Ghana's president, John Dramani Mahama, to send a plane containing £1.76m to Brasília for the players to share.

The deputy sports minister, Joseph Yamin, told Ghanaian radio station Citi FM that the players had "insisted" on cash payments, adding: "The government had to mobilise the money and a chartered flight to Brazil."

Appiah admitted ahead of the Portugal game that he had been suffering sleepless nights over the disputes within the squad, saying: "I can't even close my eyes."

Via - Guardian UK

Looking For the World's Biggest Boobs - There's a Map For That

Posted: 26 Jun 2014 04:05 AM PDT

world's largest fake breasts

Do you ever wonder which country has women with the world's biggest boobs? You won't be too wrong if you say America, after all Norma Stitz, the woman with the world's biggest natural breasts is from Atlanta, Georgia. Maxi Mounds, the lady above with Guinness world record for largest breasts in 2005 is also an American. So does America have the world's biggest boobs?

Well, there's a map to give us a scientific answer. Generally, the women in the U.S. have mostly D-cup breasts, along with South American countries, Venezuela and Colombia. Not to my surprise the smallest breatsts, apparently those found on women in Asia, particularly in East Asia. So now you know.

What I did not foresee was that women in Africa, including Nigeria were also classed in the A-Cup group, the smallest sized breasts. I'm beginning to think this map is biased.

In another surprise, the map gives the honors for the world's biggest boobs to the women of Russia, Finland, Sweden and Norway. These countries are the biggest breasted with the average of ladies there having "larger than a D cup" bra sizes.

The map does not explain how the breast sizes were measured, though the experts at HuffPo imagine tracking bra purchases per country would be an ideal - and fairly non-creepy - way to get the sizes.

They also suggest suggest taking the biggest boob rankings with a grain of salt, as "it's hard to imagine that anyone has measured every chest in the world or taken a worldwide account of what size bras women buy. Plus, do breast implants count, or are we talking au naturel exclusively? Unclear."

World Biggest Boobs
Meet Norma Stitz. Née Annie Hawkins-Turner, the 52-year-old for Atlanta, Georgia, has the world's largest natural breasts (as reportedly confirmed by Guinness) -- 102 ZZZs. That's 3.5 feet of cleavage and each side weighs in at 56 pounds.

After having emergency surgery to remove her breast implants due to an infection, the 31-year-old mum says she felt deformed. 'I just wanted to wake up and have my breasts again,' she says.

5 Reasons Many Christian Women Remain Single - Should You Settle?

Posted: 26 Jun 2014 07:51 AM PDT

This interesting article about why many Christain women remain single, talks about 60 years old Sarah - never been married - with very high standards. At a Christian singles conference, Sarah was trying to comfort another single woman in her thirties who was tired of being lonely and was on the verge of 'settling'.

In encouraging the younger woman to stay strong and wait for her Mr. Right, Sarah spoke about the men who had been her potential suitors and why she had turned them all down. As she spoke, it became clear to those listening that Sarah's standards and behavior were to blame for her being single at 60.

Basically, Sarah was expecting too much from a mere human being, and some of the men she called "counterfeit", and whom she did not settle for, could have been her Mr. Right long time ago.

Below is listed some of the things that may have kept Sarah and other Christian women like her single. Read and let us know if this talks to what you believe too about single Christian women.

Sarah wanted Jesus…not a disciple of Jesus…but Jesus Himself

Many women, like Sarah are looking for the perfect mate. They want someone who is going to complete them and be their everything! If this is you, then my question to you is this: If a man completes you and becomes your everything, then what position is Jesus taking in your life? Jesus is the one that completes you and is meant to be your everything. So, to look for completeness in a man is to make that man an idol in your life, it is to have put man above God! This will only lead to ruin because no man is perfect! Try as he might, he will disappoint you! So stop looking for someone who will not disappoint you over the lifetime you wish to be married…you will not find it. Even you, yes you…have and still disappoint many people…whether you realize it or not…whether you meant it or not. Instead of looking for perfection, look for someone who is striving towards perfection. This is a person that loves God and does not want to be conformed to the world but whose life's purpose is to be transformed into the image of Jesus.

As my mom says, if you meet a person who is perfect, run away, for you will make imperfect whatever is making that person seem perfect.

Sarah saw herself as a princess, but she did not care to prince her man

There are many women who see themselves as awesome and incredible royalty. Many women say, I want to be treated like a princess! The issue is that they do not want their man to be a prince. They do not want to share any power or give up any control. Instead, they want their partners to take the position of a slave while treating them like a princess. The reason many women cannot let go of control is because of fear – perhaps due to not dealing with the hurts of past relationships. The moment the man does not give her the power she craves, she takes it as he not treating her like a princess and so searches for greener pastures. Conversely, many men see that while they are giving all they have, the woman is not following suit! Many women think that this is part of being pursued; many men simply see it as being disrespectful.

As a princess, you have to make sure you prince your man. Compliment him and let him know that you appreciate that he is being led by the King. Let go of the control. Taking a chance at love means you take a chance with your heart. This is because only the heart can feel love, not your head.

Sarah liked being pursued but did not want to be caught

In the bible, the servant of Abraham went to a land far away in pursuit of a wife for Isaac. When he got there, it was Rebekah that came to the well. When he approached, she did not play games and dilly-dally. No, she said that she would not wait as her family had requested but would follow Eliezer immediately back to Isaac. When Boaz pursued Ruth, Ruth decided to show her interest by laying at his feet. See, both Rebekah and Ruth showed interest. They did not play games or play hard to get.

Ladies, if a prince has found you, then admit it and go forward as long as you have God's blessing. I am not saying be easy, but at the same time, do not be hard to get. Just as you are a gift to him, he is also a gift to you! If a man is pursing you, do not run him away with games.

Sarah was way too picky

Sarah did not want God to decide whom she should marry but decided on who she wanted to marry. In essence, she said: God, forget about who you desire for me, this is the person I want to marry…now make it happen! It was no longer God's will for her life but her will for her life!

But does God not want to give us the desires of our heart? Yes…as long as it glorifies God. In fact, the scripture says: delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you your heart's desires. As you delight yourself in the Lord, you will find that His desires become your desire…thus your desire will glorify God!

You must believe right now that what God wants for you is better than what you could ever want for yourself in the long run. If he is not giving you your hearts desires, it may be because you are not ready to handle your heart's desire. It may be because what you desire is not desirable!

Sarah wanted Boaz but wanted to remain a Delilah

Do not be like Sarah! Every potential suitor she met had some flaw that was fatal. One could not provide. Another could provide but was not attractive enough. A third was attractive and could provide but did not pay her enough attention. Yet, another paid her too much attention. She forgot that she was filled with flaws herself! She was so busy finding fault with everyone that she had no time to look at herself. She was so busy trying to find the speck in someone else' life that she forgot that the log in her eyes was blinding her vision of the truth about herself. The truth that just like everyone else, she is imperfect and needs a savior as well!

Sarah could not understand why the one's she thought were 'perfect' for her were not interested. Sarah, perhaps it is because they are not willing to 'settle' either.

I thank God that he did not wait for us to be perfect but settled for us. He wants us to settle for nothing less than Himself. This means that we have to take the reins off our own lives and surrender completely to His will. It seemed that Joseph settled for Mary when He married a pregnant girl…but He became immortalized in history because of it. Are you willing to settle for God's best for you?

Do you agree with this? Let's discuss.

Couple Love - Comedian AY and Wife Mabel in Brazil For The World Cup

Posted: 26 Jun 2014 01:03 AM PDT

Comedian AY and his Wife, Mabel Makun are in currently in Brazil cheering on the Super Eagles at the World Cup.

The funny man has been sharing pictures of the loved up couple on his Instagram page.

Obituary - Suleiman Bisalla, New Telegraph’s Managing Editor, Dies in Abuja Bomb Blast

Posted: 26 Jun 2014 12:03 AM PDT

The Managing Editor (North) of the New Telegraph Newspaper, Alhaji Suleiman Bisalla, is among the 21 persons confirmed dead in Wednesday's bomb blast at the EMAB plaza in Abuja. He was 46 years old.

Bisalla left the Abuja office of the New Telegraph newspaper at about 3.30pm Wednesday for the EMAB plaza to go and fix his phone, where he met his untimely death.

Bisalla's corpse has been deposited at the Maitama General Hospital, where he and others killed in the blast were taken to. Bisalla's younger brother, Mohammed, who was the only person allowed into the hospital among many that trooped to the hospital, confirmed the death.

He was allowed into the mortuary where he saw the lifeless body of his elder brother.

Bisalla, a former Deputy Editor with the Daily Trust Newspaper in Abuja, joined the New Telegraph newspaper late last year.

The late Managing Editor hailed from Gindiri in Mangul Local Government Area of Plateau State.

He holds master's degree in International Relations, which he obtained from the University of Jos.

Bisalla was married with children.

Source - New Telegraph

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