Romance Meets Life |
- Maheeda's Latest Nude Pictures Are An Artistic Inspiration
- New Condom Invented That Covers Just Erection Tip Leaving Shaft Exposed
- On Pastor Chris Oyakilome and Wife's Separation, Members Ask, 'Where is Rev. Anita Oyakhilome?'
- 10 Things You Must Never, Ever Do After A Breakup
- 9 Habits That Endanger Your Health: What Every Woman Should Know
Maheeda's Latest Nude Pictures Are An Artistic Inspiration Posted: 30 May 2014 05:03 PM PDT It was Mrs. Jada Pinkett-Smith who wrote recently of the human body, calling it "beauty, art, creativity, expression, a vessel for the soul, our temple and a magnificent machine." Jada Pinkett shared these words as caption to a picture she shared on Facebook - in the picture, Jada was lying naked on the couch in muted lighting. I appreciated Jada's toned body in her picture as I do Maheeda's in these her latest nude art photography, see below. I don't know that I can encourage anyone to share their completely naked pics on social media, but aren't you inspired in any way to take better care of your body by such atlethic bodies? Jada concluded her caption by saying, "We gotta take care of it[our body]. Love on your body today. It's the only body you got". What do you think of Maheeda's body, art, beauty, creativity, inspiration, or not? |
New Condom Invented That Covers Just Erection Tip Leaving Shaft Exposed Posted: 30 May 2014 04:09 PM PDT A new condom has been invented by American Charles Powell, which he says is stronger, safer and enables better sensitivity. And the new condom is called the Galactic Cap Condom or Penis Helmet. The new condom sits only on the very tip of the erect penis, which leaves the shaft exposed for those who complain of the lack of sensitivity with regular condoms. The penis helmet is also easier to put on enabling easier application. LA-based Charles Powell developed this new condom after one of his friends who hated the regular condoms contracted HIV. Below is what the new condom would look like on an erection; The condom comprises two parts - a U-shape polyurethane adhesive film that wraps around the penis I just have a feeling most people will not prefer this to the regular condoms. He should submit it to the Bill Gates Foundation who are looking for better condoms [read here], or maybe he has? |
On Pastor Chris Oyakilome and Wife's Separation, Members Ask, 'Where is Rev. Anita Oyakhilome?' Posted: 30 May 2014 12:05 PM PDT Pastor Chris Oyakhilome is the general overseer of Christ Embassy Church, along with his wife, Rev. Anita Oyakhilome. Pastor Chris is mostly based out of Nigeria and South Africa while his wife operates from the UK and Europe. This living apart has led to speculations of separation over the years, but the couple have withstood it all so far. However, the latest information from the UK arm of the church seem to have moved beyond rumors that the couple have divorced or separated secretly from their marriage. The members are asking after the whereabouts of Pastor Anita on a Facebook page dedicated to teasing out the domestic and pastoral issues between Pastor Chris and Anita, and how it affects the church. According to posts on the page, members want to know why the couple has not been seen together both in the church and outside the church lately, and why Pastor Anita in particular has not been playing her usual role as UK/ Europe overseer, and writer for the church monthly devotional, Rhapsody of Realities. In one of the opening posts on the Facebook page, a founding admin said; Dear brothers and sisters, please the object of this forum is very clear. We have not set this up for the ignorant. If you have no idea about what is happening in this ministry right now, then we suggest you make some enquiries and then come back here to participate sensibly or you simply 'walk on by'. Some of the posts here are made by people who have been in this ministry way before some ignorant talkers here even heard of this ministry. Intelligent conversations are made with adequate information. Out of love for our woman of God, we have created this page. Some people know how she gave her whole life to us. Worked so selflessly and tirelessly to bring in to being what everybody now enjoys as Christ embassy UK/Europe and loveworld TV. We now hear that there is a rumour about her mental state. This is the same rumour that was going round within the Christ embassy staff community in Lagos. The devil cannot use these people to harm God's anointed. We ask all of you to pray for our woman of God. Those against her, from pastors to staff, the Lord will put them to shame, one after the other. In your churches today, please remember to pray earnestly for her. God bless you all and please only constructive posts on this page, we may be forced to delete your post otherwise. The profile picture of the page was captioned thus; Photos like this of the pair are rare in Christ Embassy, but this is how it should be! Pst. Chris is never spotted with his wife by his side - not during ministry conferences, not during conferences by other ministers such as in India early this year, and NEVER during the monthly communion service transmitted live from a Tv studio. Meanwhile other high ranking women in the ministry close to Pst. Chris always travel with him and are seen around him. Why? Hundreds of thousands of people consider Pst. Chris and Rev. Anita as role models, but should married couples see them as role models, especially now that Rev. Anita has not been seen in the church since Jan 2014 and Pst. Chris does not find it fit to address his congregation who support him with so much money? Below is the reported account by the Page admin of what Pastor Chris said to elders in the church about the issue; SUMMARY OF PASTOR CHRIS' SPEECH ON 16/05/2014 IN A MEETING WITH ALL UK PASTORS AND DEACONS AT CHRIST EMBASSY BERMONDSEY. Some members have started to share their opinions on the whole matter; It is with a very heavy heart and tears in my eyes that when I got to know about the things said about our mother Rev. Anita at the meeting with Pastor Chris in UK on 16/05/2014 along with many other things said before then. I related closely with her as one of her personal ushers and the Rev. Anita I know is a mother in every sense of the Word. Her humility is out of this world and to hear her being described in such condescending terms is so distressing and how she is now being portrayed is absolutely ludicrous. I personally believe these meetings with Pastors and Deacons (I understand another one is holding in Dallas, Texas) is an avenue for 'programming' the minds of the brethren to portray Rev. Anita in a bad light such that brethren will see her as a bad person. Truth is those of us who have been in the ministry for many years are past deceiving (apart from some of those who are apparent 'sell-outs' cos they want to protect whatever they are getting from the ministry). We pray that God should arise and fight for our woman of God and answer the cry of her heart and wipe her tears and justify her!! Another says; This African culture of unaccountability, dishonesty and shadiness, as well as dominating the people - must be dealt with. When Pastor Benny Hinn was separated from his wife, he spoke to his congregation about it. He asked for prayers and support. He showed his congregation that they were important to him and they meant a lot to him. He was honest. And God turned that trial into one of the biggest testimonies of our time by bringing them together again! Pastor Benny Hinn did not go around bringing down his wife in the presence of his pastors and trying to find undeserved support. Pastor Chris should learn from people like this. Don't be an African, Be a Christian. The Page admin reiterates the purpose of the page; By the way, every post on this page is absolutely accurate. Those who know what is happening will fully understand these posts. In fact, if people get to know exactly what pastor Chris has been doing behind the Alter for many years, nobody will ever believe. And that is why pastor Chris thinks he has the upper hand in this issue. To get rid of his wife quietly and it will be business as usual. He is confident that nobody will believe anything Rev Anita says. Unfortunately, to an extent he is right. People have so surrendered themselves at his feet, that they will refuse to believe any act of unrighteous he is involved in (lets not go into that). Thats why this page has been created. If a man is unrepentant, if he cannot apply his own messages in his own life but expects you to, if he cannot love the woman he has married (like he teaches his congregation), if he expresses one persona in front of the cameras and a completely different one behind the cameras, if he cannot learn from one of the most 'financially' important people in his life/ministry, Strive Masiyiwa (who talks about his wife in public, sits beside her in public and travels the world with her) - then, at least, his congregation deserve know! This is truly the end times. But it is indeed sad that the gifted Pastor Chris wants to make himself part of the signs - perhaps because of the amount of money, people and influence, he has acquired. A Pastor Ade who seemed to know more about the issue wrote; Pastor sir, in 2001 when the Pentecostal fellowship of Nigeria rose up to persecute we all prayed and in unity God gave us victory, sir, this time, there are no physical external forces exuding spiritual challenges as it seems now but there's division among us on the issue at hand. Pastor this paragraph is not to say you should tell us anything about this matter sir but an assurance of our mother's well being because the May ROR and other events around did not confirm that something good is been worked out for her. |
10 Things You Must Never, Ever Do After A Breakup Posted: 30 May 2014 04:12 AM PDT Breakups can be an extremely difficult experience. You're hurt, you're crying, confused, and your heart feels like it's in a million pieces. There's a reason why it is called heartbreak but learn to let it go. The world has something better in store for you. But while you're waiting, here are 9 things you must never do after a breakup. Ready to hear them? Cool, let's go! #1. Don't take it out on your body We've all seen the chick flicks -- a wailing broken hearted girl gobbling up a double gallon of ice cream, getting over that ex. Cliché but, hell, it'strue. We know how tempting a tub of rocky road Haagen Dazs is right now -- and go for it occasionally. Enjoy the fact that you don't have to suck in your gut for a bit. But make sure it's just for a bit. You don't want the self loathing stuff that comes after too many of those binges. Be kind to your body, and it will be kind to you. Get your ass off that couch and into the gym. Bonus: you'll look hot in your dresses and jeans! #2. Don't be "on the hunt" Debunk that ridiculous myth: "The best way to get over a man (or woman) is to get under another one." Don't get us wrong -- we're all for sex! Get yourself a lover, or just a vibrator, but don't jump on the relationship bandwagon too soon. Take your time. And when anyone asks you why you're not going out with someone because you're sooooo great with that sad sack face of theirs -- tell them to take a hike. Remember, most of your pals aren't having the hot sex they claim to be having at home -- but YOU can be. Enjoy your new freedom! #3. Don't stalk him her You're way too smart to stalk him or her physically after your breakup. Of course you are...BUT...on social media? That's tempting. Dump him and all his friends and family. It's simply too easy to track him or her on these outlets. We had our exes BLOCKED from all of our accounts because we knew one of those 3 a.m. nights after a martini or three, we'd go sniffing. Don't. You don't need to know where he or she's going or who he or she's going with. All hurtful. Move on. #4. Don't tell "your story" to everyone Hold back. Don't tell everybody how you've been wronged. Boooooooooring! Save your droning for your journals and very, very good friends. The longer you hold on to "your story" and keep soliciting sympathy, the longer it will take you to move forward...and we don't want your pals to dump you, too. #5. Don't hold on to the memorabilia Dump the keepsakes. Dump all those memory triggers. Use this as an opportunity to de-clutter. Dump all the toxic people and things in your life and learn to live light! #6. Don't waste energy on revenge. Revenge is utter crap. Don't get even. Get over it. #7. Don't isolate yourself You're way too fabulous to be a shut-in. Get out and beyond your 4 walls. Push yourself away from your comfort zones -- take some risks! Meet your fabulous women friends for cocktails. Wear red lipstick and some killer stillettos and work it because you can. #8. Don't settle for crumbs That means anybody's crumbs -- not your ex's, not your friends', not your new date's. Guys usually tell you up front who they really are. Learn to listen. Don't date the damaged, bad kissers, texting lunatics or potential "projects." Take this time to raise your standards. #9. Ease up on your regret bullshit See your ex for what he or she truly was and try not to obsess about what could have or should have happened. That romanticized, idealized version can torment you after a breakup. Don't let it. It's done, over, finito. #10. Don't beat yourself up about relapses Relapses happen. Anniversaries, birthdays are a bitch. Remind yourself to be grateful that you are not with him or her any more. Remind yourself that people do NOT change. He or she isn't a better person/lover/friend to someone else. He or she hasn't aged like a fine wine for crying out loud! This time needs to be about you and your recovery. Choose to be happy. Get off your ass and over your ex NOW. Know someone going through a heartbreak? Please share with them. Have you gone through a heartbreak before? How did you cope? Please share with us below! Via HuffPo |
9 Habits That Endanger Your Health: What Every Woman Should Know Posted: 30 May 2014 12:05 AM PDT While most of us make it a point to eat healthy and exercise as often as possible, we tend to ignore other simple things that actually take a toll on our well-being. Find out if you are compromising on your health everyday by indulging in these habits that you must say goodbye to pronto. Wearing heels often: Do your back and feet a favour and keep the high heels only for special occasions. Victoria Beckham and Kim Kardashian may swear by their towering stilettos but they also have a battery of help to cater to their every need. An alarming number of women have started wearing heels on a daily basis, or every other day. And experts say that wearing high heels affects posture, puts a lot of pressure on joints, and at times even lead to conditions like painful bunions, hammer toes, back pain and arthritis. Not to mention the risk of twisting your leg and falling down. Damage control: Ensure that if you have to wear heels often, they aren't more than 1.5 inches. Alternatively, carry a pair of flats while you travel and wear heels only for some time. Rest your feet after wearing heels by soaking feet in warm water. Lugging around a heavy handbag: Most women's handbags weigh an average two to five kilos. Shocked? You should be. The sheer number of things women keep and carry in their handbags can scare most men off. But carrying around such heavy bags put your health at risk, you're inviting health problems like back, neck and shoulder pain. Your posture also goes for a toss, lugging around a heavy bag will make you slouch sooner or later. Damage control: Make it a habit to empty your bag every week or two and carry only absolutely necessary items. Or even better, switch to a smaller bag to avoid the temptation of putting more things in your handbag. Not removing your makeup at night: Sometimes even the most meticulous women give in and don't remove their makeup before turning in at night. While this cardinal sin is a strict no-no, what you should know is that leaving makeup on all night is inviting skin problems. Your face needs to be cleaned of the makeup, dirt and oil at the end of the day or you will face problems like clogged pores, tired looking skin and pimples. Wearing eye makeup overnight can cause eye irritation or even infection. Damage control: Keep a bottle makeup remover and cotton swabs right next to your bed so that no matter how tired you are, you can just reach out and remove the makeup. Trying to outdo men at drinking: Among those women who feel they can drink as much as men if not more? Do yourself a favour and stay away from such drinking competitions. On an average, women not only weigh lesser than men, they also have lesser body water to dilute the alcohol, meaning they get drunk faster. Not to mention the damage you do to your liver by these binge drinking sessions. Damage control: Let the men drink themselves silly. Recognise your limits and stick to them. Wearing ill-fitting bras: Over a whopping 65% of women are thought to wear the wrong sized bra. And wearing an ill-fitting bra can have repurcussions like neck, back and breast pain, bad posture, skin irritation and even breathing problems. Not only will your clothes sit badly on you but you will also slouch a bit. Damage control: Go to a lingerie store and get yourself measured by an expert so that you know your exact size. And since women's bodies tend to change, get yourself measured once a year. Dwelling over the past: When you refuse to let go or stop thinking of your past or worrying incessantly about the future, you are damaging your present as well your future. Mental stress can drain you of energy and affect you in more ways than you realise. And according to studies, women have a higher chance of suffering from stress-related disorders than men. Damage control: If you find yourself depressed or anxious, ask yourself what is causing it. Is it a broken relationship or health woes? Address the problem at the root and don't be afraid of asking for help. Worrying about looks: Vanity affects both the sexes but it affects a far larger number of women than men. And women have a range of body issues, which can take a toll on them mentally. Going on numerous diets, having eating disorders and undergoing excessive cosmetic surgery can cause you physical harm. Damage control: Toss those beauty magazines in the trash and improve your body image by making a conscious effort. Be happy with what you've been given. Emotional eating: When was the last time you reached out for that comfort food and guiltily ate it? Women are genetically more emotional than men while comfort eating affects both sexes, it is said that men tend to eat emotionally when they're happy and women when they are upset. And women tend to satiate their cravings with sweet, high calorie foods instead of healthier options. Damage control: Next time instead of allowing the cravings to get the better of you (and your waistline), distract yourself with something other than food. Not sleeping enough: Do you get your eight hours of sleep every night? Or do you scrimp and then sleep all weekend? Don't blame a hectic lifestyle or stress on not getting enough sleep. Not only can inadequate sleep make you feel lethargic, it can also make you look like hell, apart from causing accidents, overeating and an increased heart disease risk. Sleep affects your blood pressure and mood more than it affects men. Damage control: Go to sleep early as often as you can and wake up at the same time everyday. |
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