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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Romance Meets Life

Romance Meets Life

Kim Kardashian on Marriage to Kanye West - We Are in The Honeymoon Period and Always Will Be

Posted: 18 Jun 2014 06:40 PM PDT

Kim Kardashian has opened up about her marriage to Kanye West – saying she treats him like it is his birthday every day. Speaking for the first time since their wedding in Italy, Kim revealed how the couple are on the phone to each other whenever they are apart.

'I try to treat him like it's his birthday every single day. I think we'll always be like that.
'We always try to make life as fun and enjoyable as possible.
'We do travel, and work really hard, when we're together – and even when we're apart, we're always on the phone 24/7 – just trying to make that time as memorable as possible.'

Asked about the biggest surprise on the day, she said: 'Having Andrea Botticelli sing at our wedding as I'm walking down the aisle. I didn't even know it was really him.
'It was so Kanye to have him there. I should have expected that.
'I got up the altar and didn't even see him standing there. And I turned around when my sisters were helping me fix my veil, and I did a double-take – I thought it was a CD of him singing.
'He sounded so amazing. And it was really him. I was blown away.'

Kim revealed it was surprising each other that kept the romance between the couple alive, adding: 'He seems to be able to get to surprise me and that's hard to do.
'The fact that he can surprise me is really good.'
Her comments come after Kanye spoke during the Cannes Lions festival on Tuesday.
Discussing his new wife, he revealed: 'I can't be with any girl but Kim because that's the girl I look at her pictures the most, I get turned on the most.'

#SpainVsChile - Spain Out of The World Cup After Losing to Chile

Posted: 18 Jun 2014 05:20 PM PDT

Spain, the defending champions at the on-going world cup in Brazil have lost their second group match to Chile today, ending their run at the mundial.

The Spanish national team failed in their attempt to win a second successive World Cup after Chile defeated them with 2 goals to Nil. This means that the team  has been eliminated even though they still have one group game to play. With this defeat for Spain, they have become the third reigning champion to be knocked out in the group stage in the last four World Cups.

France dropped out at the same stage in 2002, with Italy going the same way in 2010. Brazil was the defending champions in 2006 World Cup, and only managed to make it to the Quarter-Finals. Seems like winning the World Cup is bad luck for the defending champions come the next time around.

The victory guaranteed progression to the knockout round of 16 for Chile. The result also meant that the Netherlands could celebrate early qualification after securing a 3-2 triumph over Australia in the day's first match. Chile will play the Netherlands on Monday to decide which team will top Group B, while Spain will face Australia in a game that is now largely meaningless for both sides.

Eduardo Vargas opened the scoring for Chile against Spain in the 20th minute after an interchange down the right flank between Alexis Sánchez and Arturo Vidal. Charles Aránguiz then cut the ball back, and Vargas kept his cool to round Iker Casillas and prod the ball home.

Just before half time, Aránguiz doubled Chile's lead after an error from Casillas, who could only punch a weak free kick from Sánchez back into the danger area. Aránguiz took a touch and punted the ball into the back of the net.

Spain had characteristically long periods of possession, but created few clear-cut chances for either Diego Costa or his substitute Fernando Torres as Chile's high-tempo pressing smothered the Spanish midfield.

Read more - NY Times

Shakira Says Marriage to Boyfriend Gerard Pique is Not on The Cards For Now

Posted: 18 Jun 2014 05:17 PM PDT

For some, marriage is not everything. Singer Shakira says she's in no rush to marry her soccer star boyfriend Gerard Pique, who plays defence for European team, Barcelona. Shakira insists that marriage won't enhance their relationship, but rather, their love will see them through.

The couple have been dating since 2010 and they welcomed their first child together, a son named Milan, last year. However, the singer is adamant walking down the aisle is not a priority.

"We already have what's essential, you know? We have a union, a love for each other, and a baby. "I think that those aspects of our relationship are already established, and marriage is not going to change them."

The 37-year-old said further in an interview with Glam Belleza Latina magazine, that Pique will be her husband if she ever changes her mind, adding:

"If I'm ever going to get married, he's the one."

Well some got married, and it only lasted for months. Wishing them more love and all the best, especially because they have a son together.

Couple Love - Halle Berry and Husband Olivier Martinez on the Red Carpet

Posted: 18 Jun 2014 02:05 PM PDT

Halle Berry and husband Olivier Martinez put paid to the rimors that their marriage is on the verge of hitting the rocks by appearing together for the premiere of Halle's new CBS sci-fi show, Extant.

This is the first time they've attended a red carpet together since the Champs Elysees Film Festival on June 13, 2013. At the time, Berry was five months pregnant with their baby boy, Maceo. That was about a month before the couple got married in France.

Blue Ivy Wears a Little Crown on Her Bun For Outing With Jay Z and Beyonce

Posted: 18 Jun 2014 11:20 AM PDT

Jay Z was spotted carrying little Blue Ivy on Father's Day on an outing with Beyoncé at the Domino Sugar Factory in New York City, and as you can see, Blue Ivy's hair is neatly styled in a bun.

I don't for a moment think the public petition to comb their daughter's hair had anything to do with Beyonce and Jay Z deciding to put her hair in a bun. In fact, this not the first time we've seen Blue Ivy with a different hair style.

But it's certainly cute to see that little crown on top of her bun, a queenly message to the bad belle people, maybe? Or Blue Ivy's a diva, just like her mother :)

See more pictures below with some older shots of Blue Ivy with her hair in a bun.

Destiny’s Child Back Together in Music Video for “Say Yes” + Behind The Scenes

Posted: 18 Jun 2014 04:52 PM PDT

Michelle Williams has just premiered the video for her gospel song "Say Yes" which features she and her fellow Destiny's Child members Kelly Rowland and Beyoncé. The song is from her forthcoming Journey to Freedom album and was premiered on ABC this morning. Each of the ladies has a vocal solo in the song, with Beyonce rocking her thigh-length braids.

Michelle had previously stated that the song is inspired by the gospel chorus from Nigeria. Remember the song - When Jesus Says Yes? That one. If you don't remember, you'll cetainly be reminded once you watch the video.

What I find interestting is that many are surprised to see Beyonce singing Gospel, do people really take those Illuminati talk seriously?

See the Say Yes video below, and also check out the behind the scenes moments - see Blue Ivy dancing, Kelly Rowland's baby bump and more...


Emotional Tributes by Amaka Igwe’s Husband and Children as She is Buried

Posted: 18 Jun 2014 09:03 AM PDT

Nollywood producer/director Amaka Igwe was buried in her marital home town of Ndiuche Arondizuogu in Imo State on Saturday 14th June 2014. Everyone struggled to hold back their tears especially her young children, the oldest is her 19 years old daughter.

Amaka Igwe was 51 years old when she passed, may her soul continue to rest in peace.

The rep for Amaka Igwe released to BN, tributes by her husband Charles, daughter Ruby, and sons Daniel and David. Read them and see the pictures from the burial below.

Tribute by husband Charles Igwe


Thank you for the memories, for the joy, for the grace evident in you, the passion for God, for the truth, for life, for doing right, for loving, for creating, for giving, for caring, for family, for making memories and you did make memories, for me, for our children, for family, for the nation, for the world.

I am thankful for the times we had together and for the gift you were to me and to this world. I am grateful to God for sharing in this world with you. I do know you have peace now, free from the labours of our world, present in the majesty and light of our Lord, for whom you lived and in whom you moved and had your being.

I will see you again, we will see you again. This is to say I miss you and our children miss you.

However I say thank you, my life with you was an amazing life. Till we meet again… Charles

Tribute by Ruby Igwe

We are all here this evening grieving Amaka Igwe, who we loved, and were inspired, influenced, or maybe intimidated by. I also know that there are many here who she, by God's grace; mothered, trained, and raised.

I'm sure you will agree that our mother had a unique spirit.

Her priorities may have seemed infuriatingly odd because they were so, so different. The steps to success society has defined for us were of little to no consequence to her. However, she left this Earth as one of the most successful people I have ever known.

She was a professional, and she touched lives, yet she remained humble, and discreet. She never considered herself to be a know it all. However, she never sold herself short. What she knew, she knew, and what she didn't know, she gave credit to those who knew.

Her contributions to the creative industries were in lieu of a much bigger picture. She received a passion and talent from God, and she utilised it, became an expert, and did not hesitate to share her expertise. How she spread her wealth of knowledge is baffling.

People have been calling me saying, "Your mother taught me everything I know." In 51 years? How Mummy, did you teach so many people everything they know? Yet she would always say to her students, "I will teach you everything I know, so you can add it to what you know and be better than me." I'm thinking, how?

When you didn't compromise on your children, or your marriage, or your family; how did you manage to teach so many people everything they know, work wise, and otherwise? And it can't be that they don't know a lot, as they are all so successful! How then, did you manage it all?

I don't know the specifics fully. But I do know, that in this life, we will be fine. It is still well, even now, even in this loss, this great, great loss. We will all be phoenixes in that in this death, in this separation from Amaka Igwe on this Earth, we will rise. We will learn.

We will be inspired and influenced. Because she has done, we will do. Tonight, we remember to never forget that it is possible to make a mark, while making memories. It is possible to give our all in all we do.

And it is possible to identify with God and for it to be a great strength, and not a hindrance.

I will end with a letter I wrote to my mum.

Hey Mummy.

I miss you. So much. More than I can ever fully express in words. I must tell you though that I am mourning your absence. Not your present location. Oh that, I am so proud of, joyful in, and grateful for. I am going to see you again by the special grace of God. My only sadness is that it won't be very soon.

You were, and are, my mother. It's more than that though. You were my best friend, my partner in crime. You don't find that kind of love just anywhere. You were my teacher, and my confidant. You were also my support when I needed to be yelled at, or reminded of who I am, or simply babied. We were the girls' squad that marshalled Dad, and David and Dani.

Now I'm a one-man team.

What do I miss exactly? You being around. My house is empty, my phone is neglected. Someone yelling, Ruboo! Or Esita, or Abosede, or David, or Puttiman, or Juli, or Aachaki! Or yelling just because you haven't seen us in a while. I miss our talks, the ones on the white chairs, on the red chairs, on the stairs… I miss bringing you your cheque book. I miss bringing you a snack. I miss your hugs. I miss you Mum. I'm going to live with it, though. I don't know how I've done it this one-month and some days, so it fits that I have no idea how I'm going to go the rest of my life without you.

But there is a God. So I am not afraid. It is still well. Thank you for not treating me differently from your students, thank you for throwing me in at the deep end early, and teaching me to be responsible, and resilient, and reliable. I think you are an astonishing woman who has broken barriers, set standards and has established a can-do attitude for many.

You have inspired me to continue to stand for integrity and the right morals, and to keep pushing and keep standing in the face of the ever-evolving strategies of adversity. I look up to you as a role model, and I know that your efforts for my, your and our country will not be in vain. Thank you for being one of the scarce but incredibly intense lights that this country is privileged to have. Thank you for always wanting to be the best you could be. Thank you for being a woman of un-pretentiousness and open frankness.

I appreciate you for being the best possible mother for me.

This is my unadulterated nineteen-year-old Nigerian girl honor to you, and in conclusion I just want to let you know that because you could, I can; and because you have done, I will do.

I miss you. More than I can ever put in words.

But know that I am coming.

Yours truthfully,

Ruby Igwe

The three-term lawyer, and barrister to be.

Tribute by David Igwe - A Model Mum

"Who can find a virtuous wife?

For her worth is far above rubies.

The heart of her husband safely trusts her;

So he will have no lack of gain

She does him good and not evil

All the days of her life"

My mum was a wife, a woman who stood by my dad, an adviser to the head of the family. My dad definitely trusted my mum, she was trustworthy, a woman of excellence. From the beginning to the end, though there were arguments, my mum never caused my dad evil; instead she strived to make a positive impact on everyone around her.

"She girds herself with strength,

And strengthens her arms

She perceives that her merchandise is good,

And her lamp does not go out by night"

My mom was very hardworking. If she did not go out to her office, she was at home, doing something just so she could provide for us, along with my dad.

"She extends her hands to the poor,

Yes she reaches out to the needy."

My mom had chosen to help people in need. Though some people took it for granted, she actually provided for a lot of people under her, not just family. Her charity stretches to the ends of Nigeria and beyond.

"She opens her mouth with wisdom,

And on her tongue is the law of kindness."

My mom was a person you could talk to, about anything from girls to school to God. She had wisdom flowing out of her, and it washed the heads of us people around her, and soaked into our minds. She told us many stories with morals, and never failed to teach us new things. She wanted us to be amazingly smart, and knowledgeable, at the same time humble.

"She watches over the ways of the household

And does not eat the bread of idleness"

My mom was a person of principle. The rules she laid down in the homes she resided are what molded my siblings and I into what we are today. They were carved out in our brains, so that we could carry it wherever we go.

"Her children rise up and blessed;

Her husband also and he praises her

Many daughters have done well,

But you excel them all

Not only her blood children, but her spiritual children in whom she formed a motherly bond to, and taught them and raised them and even some who rebuked her know that my mom blessed. My dad would say too that my mum was successful and that she was blessed in everything she did.

Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing,

But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder' a phrase my mom said a lot. As a beholder, I saw my mom as beautiful, and amazing, regardless of all other thoughts, and my mom feared the Lord and indeed she deserved to be praised and she was.

Give her of the fruit of her hands,

And let her own works praise her in the gates"

My mom always said death isn't physical, but a physical separation from God, so surely I know my mum goes to present our truckloads of good works to the Almighty; all her physical achievements, all the lives she has touched, the spirits she called to Christ, he will surely say.

Oh God and faithful servant, come and receive your crown, and your robes, and dwell in my house forever.

Adieu the love of my life, until we meet again (Adapted from Proverbs 31:10-31)

Tribute by Daniel Igwe

My mum, words cant express my feelings. I am sad because I could not repay everything you have done for me. From my birth you have cared and loved me. I am sad that you could not have had more time on this earth. I know you have gone to a better place for sure. I'll see you when I get there. Wait for me. Puttimandoo

More Photos from the burial

60 Year Old Makes History as Oldest to Give Birth Using IVF in Africa - Is She Too Old?

Posted: 18 Jun 2014 08:16 AM PDT

Should there be an upper limit for being a mother? 60 year old Mrs Omolara Irurhe (real picture above) had been looking of a child for 31 years after she got married before she was able to give birth to a baby girl using Invitro Fertilization (IVF) treatment at a Specialist Hospital in Lagos.

The Nation reports that Mrs Irurhe started the IVF treatment in 2010 and said her faith in God and her belief in modern medicine helped her go through the process, after many years of childlessness in marriage. She said her husband, Mr Adekunle Irurhe's Catholic belief of one man one wife made him not to marry another woman and stood by her through all the years.

"I believe we should not limit God and what the doctors can do in this modern age. I believe this is the appointed time. I was very hopeful throughout the years I was childless and I remained focused on God. We went to many hospitals but we didn't give up," 

An elated Mr Adekunle Irurhe said though there were pressures to get another wife, he was determined to stay with his wife alone as that was the practice of his own parents. He said his wife's belief in the In vitro fertilization method made him support her.

"I supported her throughout because my wife was dogged and she believed in herself. When I saw her faith, I had no choice but to go with her. She kept telling me she would have her child. I wasn't thinking of another wife. I came from a monogamous family and I decided she is all I will have. The family was understanding too and we fought together to get this baby".

Mrs Irurhe has made history as the oldest woman in Africa to give birth to a child via Invitro Fertilization. The global recognition for oldest IVF delivery goes to Rajo Deri Lohan, an Indian who in 2008 was delivered of a baby at 69 years.

I'm a firm believer in treatments for infertility and IVF where recommended, but is there an age where an infertile couple should hang their boots? Surely there is a reason why nature came with menopause as a failsafe contraceptive for older women?

Questions aside, I can only imagine how happy this couple are with their new bundle of joy, and I celebrate woth them. May God bless them with all they need to be capable parents to this baby.

Kefee's Body Arrives Nigeria For Burial Later This Month + Los Angeles Memorial Service

Posted: 18 Jun 2014 07:33 AM PDT

Kefee died last week, after being in a coma for 15 days. It has now been reported that her corpse have arrived Nigeria, ahead of a burial which will hold later this month. According to TheNetng, Kefee's body arrived the Murtala Muhammed International Airport, Ikeja, Lagos  yesterday Tuesday, June 17, 2014, at about 4PM via a Delta Airline aircraft, and was received by a few family members.

Also, the last churches where Kefee performed in Los Angeles have put together a celebration of life and memorial service in her honor and it will hold tomorrow. See the poster above.

May Kefee rest in peace, and may God grant her husband and family the strength and provision they need at this tough time.

7 Things You Don’t Get to Do Once You Have Children

Posted: 18 Jun 2014 06:08 AM PDT

After kids you don't get to:

Be Selfish – Remember when you could order a dessert, or a smoothie, or a sandwich with chips, and no one asked for a bite, piece, chunk, stuck their finger in it, put their mouth on it or stole the whole thing?

Or what about wearing a sweater that you'd never have to give up because some little person said she would be fine without one, but was wrong? Or being able to use the entire coverage of the umbrella (I mean any coverage)? Yes, I remember those things too, vaguely.

Aside from the fact that you share your things to make your children happy, it's literally an illegal parenting move to not share – because it goes against everything you've taught them since like … birth! Now that J is a preteen he mooches my Starbucks. MY SACRED LATTES! (I may need to revisit how important sharing is.)

Be Naked. Nudity may seem like no big deal … until your toddler compares your boobs to cow bells, then it's clothes on for the long haul. No walking to the laundry room to look for a clean bra.  No blowing your hair or putting on make up, sans robe.  No birthday suit appearances at ALL, without worrying that your body may be the cause of their therapy in later life. Seriously, J actually asks if I'm clothed constantly, and when he has accidentally walked in on me nude he covers his eyes and screams as if the vision has seared a retina. (It's real confidence inducing.)

Be Sick -  A couple years ago, I wrote a comparison of what happens when moms get sick vs. dads getting sick .  Needless to say, dads (like moms pre-kids) tend to act as if they have the plague and moms act as if the world continues to spin, because it DOES! Yep, Doctor's appointments still stand, sports games aren't cancelled, kids still need to be fed and bathed. Before kids one could sit home for a week throwing snot filled tissues in a pile on the floor, bathing once every other day … or two, moaning, and binging on Sudafed. Now recuperation consists of you sucking on a lozenge while driving carpool in your comfy sweats. AWESOME.

Do Nothing.  No, for the rest of your parenting life you will have purpose … every minute of every day. Whether it's cleaning, cooking, working, running errands, trying to stay fit, keeping the kids entertained, happy, fed, clean, healthy, or from beating each other up — you will be doing something. Even the rare times that you're "doing nothing" you're doing something, it's called, maintaining sanity. (So yes, hiding in your closet, hoping for a few minutes span before the kids find you, totally counts.)

Have Crazy Sex. Yes, there was probably a time when all your encounters didn't take place in the bedroom between the hours of 9PM and midnight.  Maybe you were loud, maybe you couldn't make it past the kitchen, maybe you moved from room to room leaving a trail of garments in your wake. Ha ha ha ha ha ho ho. I'm sorry, the thought of having that much energy or desire gets me before I even mention that it's off limits with little ones around.

Watch One Of YOUR Shows With the Kids. Aside from the fact that half the stuff I like is inappropriate, damn you Breaking Bad for being so good, watching a show with them is like having lunch with Gilbert Gottfried (well, what I imagine it would be like). "Mom, why did Clare yell at Juan Pablo? She's whiny, do you think she's whiny?" "Ohhh Mom Ma, look at this trick I can do on the sofa." "Watch I'll do a somersault, oops I kicked you in the head, tee hee hee." "Did she go team Adam?" "Do you think Shakira is pretty? Do you think she's prettier than you, I do."  "Mom, mom, mom, mom, listen to me do the cup song 8000 more times." "Look at the cat! How funny is it when I do this to her."

Get a GOOD Night's Sleep. Now, let me clarify, my kids are older so yes, I can usually sleep through the night, buuuuutttt if there is so much as a cough or sniffle in the wee hours, I'm out like a shot. Which begs the question, "How deep are we sleeping when a late night rollover could wake us from across the house?" And let's not forget waking up to pee (our bladders aren't what they used to be), to check the kids (again), to let the dog out, and to look at the clock and assess how many more hours of sleep you could get — if you were in fact sleeping. Then once the kids are even older, I'm guessing you can't sleep until they're safely home and in bed. So basically, sleep is pretty much ruined for decades.

Oh well, I guess you can't really miss things you never knew you had. Plus, if there's anyone who gets to steal my latte … or my sanity, it's my kiddos.

What do you miss?


First Published on Surburban Jungle

Are Football Players Allowed To Have Sex While at the World Cup? See Country List

Posted: 18 Jun 2014 04:07 AM PDT

Every World Cup coach has his own methods for trying to improve the success of his team. Some coaches have imposed rules on their players not only covering their training regimen and on-field tactics, but also on their after-hours activities.

While researchers have found that sex is no physical detriment to athletic performance, some coaches are unconvinced. The chart above shows where the individual country teams come down on their players' bedroom activities during the World Cup.

Some teams have explicit policies about player sex that they've shared publicly, and Quartz has done a post collecting all the available information. As you can see from the chart above, Nigeria falls under, "It's complicated"

Why is it complicated for Nigeria? Because the coach allows wives and not girlfriends, which some find discriminatory. Also, the football federation does not want women and sex on camp. I wonder if that is realistic?

From Nigeria Bulletin;

Super Eagles coach Stephen Keshi has given his green-light that his players can come with their spouses for the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil.

There has been an ongoing debate whether Nigerian players should be allowed to travel to Brazil with their partners for the World Cup,with some arguing that it could be a source of distraction to the team.

Keshi noted that he will welcome those with their legitimate wives and fiancees,but he will not allow 'girlfriends' as he was not sure of the players properly managing the situation.

"Players can bring their wives and fiancees to the World Cup. But I don't know about girlfriends," Keshi said in Lagos on Tuesday.

"I don't have a problem with that but it will be up to the players to decide if they want to bring their wives," Keshi said adding "but no girlfriends."

Earlier this year, member of the Nigeria Football Federation(NFF) Paul Bassey disagreed with the mooted idea, stating that the team's performance might be impeded with the presence of their wives and girlfriends.

"It is important for the coach to maintain a serious environment during the World cup as allowing wives and girlfriends may affect the performance of the team. If he wants to get the full complement of his squad or the starting eleven for each game then he should not allow such in camp. Nigeria is not ripe enough to afford the players such opportunities," Bassey said.

Julius Agwu In Brazil - Warns Nigerian Women About Authentic Brazilian Hair

Posted: 18 Jun 2014 03:03 AM PDT

Comedian Julius Agwu is currently in Brazil to cheer on the Super Eagles, and despite the draw with Iran, he is keeping his spirits up and trying to get a good laugh from those around him. One of the thrusts of his #Brazil jokes is having all around him the authentic Brazilian hair many Nigerian women go gaga over.

Check out the video message with a young Brazilian lady....

See more photos of Julius in Brazil…

Updates - T.I. Beefs Azealia Banks on Social Media, Threatens to “End” her for Insulting His Wife

Posted: 18 Jun 2014 02:03 AM PDT

Rapper T.I. is very protective of his wife, Tiny, and he has proved this once again just weeks after getting in a fight with Floyd Mayweather. This time, it is an ugly social media beef with fellow rapper Azealia Banks who had earlier referenced Tiny in a derogatory way using lyrics from TI's latest track.

T.I went all out on Instagram writing, "If u speak ill of my family again….. I WILL END YOU!!!!!! #OnPHIL #OnDOE #NoBuuulllsh*t people fall down stairs daily…. U better watch yo step" [TheGrio]

Annie Leibovitz, the photographer who did the Vanity Fair photoshoot for Kim and Kanye pulled out at the last minute from covering their wedding. She had accepted but bowed out one day before the event. Kanye revealed this along with saying he and Kim tweaked the wedding pictures for four days to look like Anne Leibovitz took them before posting them on Instagram. [Daily Mail UK]

Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith have been cleared by Child Protection Services after the picture of their 13 year-old daughter with a topless man in bed went viral. [RadarOnline]

Tracy Morgans's condition has improved. Actor and comedian Tracy Morgan has been upgraded to fair condition following the New Jersey highway crash that badly injured him and killed one of his friends, his spokesman said Monday. [CBS News]

Malia Obama got her first summer job. The first daughter reportedly has been working as a production assistant on the Los Angeles set of the new TV series "Extant," starring Halle Berry and produced by Steven Spielberg. [NBC Washington]

Zendaya is to star and perform as Aaliyah in the Lifetime Original Movie 'Aaliyah: Princess of R&B'.  Zendaya will record four of Aaliyah's songs for the film, including many of her hit singles. The movie is based on the bestseller Aaliyah: More Than a Woman by former Time Magazine music editor Christopher Farley. [Zap2it]


PS - I read a lot of interesting posts, and some are updates on topics and celebrities I'd blogged in the past. While I cannot post individually on all of them, I'll be bringing you short summaries with links once in a while. Happy Wednesday.

South African Football Player Apologizes For Posting Team's Naked Shower Pictures Online

Posted: 18 Jun 2014 12:08 AM PDT

Thandani Ntshumayelo has apologized to his Orlando Pirates teammates after posting a picture of them after the Nedbank Cup Final on Instagram. The picture, which shows a group of naked players in the shower with the Nedbank Cup trophy, went viral soon after it was posted and was widely condemned – even from other Pirates player like Lennox Bacela and Aubrey Ngoma.

The naked shower photo features famous players Thabo Matlaba, Lehlohonolo Majoro, and Thandani Ntshumayelo. Ntshumayelo took blame for the picture getting out.

Ntshumayelo later tweeted his apology which you can see below with the picture.

"I would like to apologize to everyone the club the sponsors and all the people for posting that picture on instagram. "At the time i thought it was a joke sorry to my teamates... I sincerely apologize....bibo."

Cassie Pregnant With P.Diddy's Baby? Fans Comment On Instagram Pictures

Posted: 17 Jun 2014 11:09 PM PDT

Cassie and P.Diddy, 44, went public with their relationship in September 2012. But while the two may have been dating since before then, P.Diddy has admitted that he is not interested in getting married anytime soon.

However, P Diddy loves children and is already a father of five from some of his previous relationships.

Now the speculations are rife that his current girlfriend Cassie is pregnant after she posted a bikini picture on Instagram that seemed to reveal a baby bump. After her fans began to comment on the bump and her fuller face, the photo was deleted moments later and replaced with a cropped version as seen below.

Without verbally acknowledging the hype that she might be pregnant, Cassie quietly responded to the rumors by sharing even more photos that showed off her flat and toned tummy, and wearing the exact same bikini as the one in the pictures that started the speculations. Still some are not convinced and have put her on bump watch.

Too Young To Have Ears Pierced? Kim and Kanye Criticized For Piercing North West's Ears

Posted: 18 Jun 2014 08:14 AM PDT

One of the milestones Kim Kardashian and Kanye West marked for their daughter North West was getting her ears pierced for her first birthday, and the little girl got diamond stud earrings too. But now, some people on Twitter are asking if the parents are right to pierce her ears and if at 1-year-old, a child is old enough to wear earrings.

Personally, I am in support of North West's piercing and earrings, they look great on the little girl. In Nigeria, I think most baby girls get their ears pierced before they leave the hospital after delivery. If not, the mums get someone to do it before the first three months. Am I right?

Check out some of the comments on Twitter and share your thoughts in the comments. Would you or did you already get piercings for your children at young ages?

"Far too young. Let her decide for herself when older! Should be banned, unneccessary (sic) and cruel. Purely for vanity of parents,"

"Shes only a yr old! I think it should be the childs choice NOT the parents!! #SorryNotSorry,"

"So people are making a big deal cause North West has her ears pierced? I got mine when I was like 3 months. Not that serious,"

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