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Saturday, June 28, 2014

Romance Meets Life

Romance Meets Life

Brad Pitt Writes Emotional Love Letter To Angelina Jolie - "The Most Beautiful Woman on Earth"

Posted: 28 Jun 2014 06:09 PM PDT

I just read this love letter written by Brad Pitt for Angelina Jolie while she was sick last year and it warmed my heart. It seems the couple are secretly married because he called her his wife, and said they almost got divorced. Read on...

"My wife got sick. She was constantly nervous because of problems at work, personal life, her failures and problems with children.

She has lost 30 pounds and weighed about 90 pounds in her 35 years. She got very skinny, and was constantly crying. She was not a happy woman. She had suffered from continuing headaches, heart pain and jammed nerves in her back and ribs.

She did not sleep well, falling asleep only in the morning and got tired very quickly during the day. Our relationship was on the verge of break up.

Her beauty was leaving her somewhere, she had bags under her eyes, she was poking her head, and stopped taking care of herself. She refused to shoot the films and rejected any role.

I lost hope and thought that we'll get divorced soon…But then I decided to act on it.

After all I've got the most beautiful woman on the earth.

She is the idol of more than half of men and women on earth, and I was the one allowed to fall asleep next to her and to hug her shoulders.

I began to pamper her with flowers, kisses and compliments. I surprised her and pleased her every minute. I gave her lots of gifts and lived just for her. I spoke in public only about her. I incorporated all themes in her direction. I praised her in front of her own and our mutual friends.

You won't believe it, but she blossomed. She became even better than before. She gained weight, was no longer nervous and she loved me even more than ever. I had no clue that she CAN love that much. And then I realized one thing: The woman is the reflection of her man. If you love her to the point of madness, she will become it."

- Brad Pitt

I think all couples can learn from this for a stronger marriage.

Mom and Son She Had At 13 Years Receive PhD On The Same Day

Posted: 28 Jun 2014 04:06 PM PDT

What an outstanding achievement. A Georgia mom, Vickie McBride and her son, Maurice McBride, who she had at the young age of 13, both received their PhDs on the same day and from the same school.

At th beginning of their journey, the former teenage mom thought that goal was impossible, saying;

"I had to figure out how to work and how to parent and how to manage school all at the same time."

Dr. Vickie McBride's mother, a retired teacher, helped out with little Maurice while she went back to school after her son was born. Her now grown up son, Dr. Maurice McBride, is justifiably proud of his mom.

"I never thought I would get chance to see my mother walk across the stage and then she turned around and saw me walk across the stage."

Wow! Congrats to mom and son. A PhD is no mean feat.

Beyonce Disses Justin Bieber - Shows Mugshot On Stage Among Stars Who Have Police Records

Posted: 28 Jun 2014 03:09 PM PDT

Beyonce and Jay Z are on tour and they have done some really surprising things like showing clips of their 2008 secret wedding and blue ivy's birth. [see here]

There is talk that Beyonce is leading the show, and in one of those times she was speaking to the audience, she encouraged them saying, "Even the greatest can fall."

As Beyonce spoke, a series of mugshots were projected onto giant screens on stage, and among those displayed was singer Justin Bieber.

Fans of Justin Bieber have been talking on social media about the apparent diss to the 20-year-old , who's been arrested and in trouble countless times in recent months.

However, I think with the likes of Bill Gates also shown, it may be a the opposite. What do you think?

Bridesmaids Pull Up Their Dresses And Show Off Their Butts In New Wedding Photo Trend (Photos)

Posted: 28 Jun 2014 02:08 PM PDT

Hello brides-to-be, have you booked your bridal train and photographer yet? I'm asking because there's a new wedding photo trend in town, for bridal trains and I think it's crucual you let your girls know, and the photographer should be strong-minded about it too.

It appears that more and more professional pictures have been making their way online, that show bridesmaids lifting up their dresses and showing off their naked bottoms for the camera. If the bride wants to join the fun, then she is free too.

Have you seen such cheek? LOL... pun intended, lol. Don't believe me? See more of them below...

Photos Courtesy - Imgur

Game of Thrones Gets World Cup Kits - Which House Would You Play For?

Posted: 28 Jun 2014 11:14 AM PDT

For her latest project, Spanish designer Nerea Palacios' has taken inspiration from HBO's Game of Thrones - taking into account family history, colours, and legacy, of course. 

Palacios also wants to work for Nike. She says so in her Twitter bio, and her website, I Want To Work For Nike, couldn't make her intentions more clear. For years, she's been crafting concepts for athletic wear, showing off her talents with the help of Photoshop. So this was a double resume.

Check out the jerseys and Palacious also answers some questions for Guardian Sports;

First: why Game of Thrones, and why soccer uniforms?

I'm a big fan of Game of Thrones and of football, and I had done all the World Cup kits and was looking for something fresh that hasn't been done before. So if allowed me some freedom.

How did you channel the Game of Thrones vibe into athletic wear? How did characters impact design?

I think it's really easy: they have the crest, the House colours, and even the motivational phrase – it's practically a sport to reach the throne.

But I tried to focus on the Houses and not in the characters. Maybe the Baratheons are more complicated since every one of them seem to be really creative with the Crests and family colours.

Which House would you align yourself with?

So hard! I don't want to die yet. Maybe the Lannisters. I come from a really particular family so it would be like home. And it would be nice to hang out with Jaime and Tyrion and never owe anyone nothing. [Though] I'd rather not comment about Cersei.

Which Game of Thrones character do you think would be the biggest asset to the World Cup?

Daenerys seems to be well prepared, so she's have quite a team. On the other hand, Sansa and John look like they know how to play – maybe they will be the surprise.

What is it about Game of Thrones that seems to universally apply to everything? There seems to be a place for it in everything: food, fashion, music, and in your case, sports.

It's the most expensive TV show! and one of the longest "history" books, so they have place for everything! As long as they keep improving the team, they are doing an amazing job.

Your love of Nike is pretty profound, but if you had a choice between working for Nike and appearing on Game of Thrones, what would it be?

I'm sorry but I will choose Nike. I can use my imagination to appear on GOT.

Perfect choice. And we can all agree that Joffrey wasn't worthy to wear any of these uniforms, right?

Maybe I can create [uniforms for the dead characters] – we can tell them that was your idea. His will be the creepy one. I will try to catch his essence.

A Lannister always hits his nets.

Definitely their away kit, as temperatures around Winterfell probably require long sleeves most of the year.

Arguably the strongest squad but differences over the captaincy and pay have caused internal divisions in the locker room which sometimes spill out onto the field.

Hopefully fireproof, as Drogon has been known to get overexcited when the Targaryens get into the final third.

Most consistent home wins record although has been known to squander leads late in games.

Refusing to play in the Seven Kingdoms league, the all black kit helps the team in matches against Wildling FC, who never bother to wear the same colours.

Sisi Yemmie and Bobo Yomi's Pre- Wedding Pictures Show Sweet Love at the Beach Side

Posted: 28 Jun 2014 09:18 AM PDT

We were all very happy for fellow blogger Sisi Yemmie when she and fiance Bobo Yomi won the first season of My Big Nigerian Wedding [more details here and here].

Th prize package was N15M to cover everthing that has to do with their wedding and the countdown has started. Sisi and Bobo recently had their pre-wedding pictures taken at Elegusi Beach in Lagos.

The couple, real names Yemisi Aiyedun and Yomi Odusanya, will be tying the knot on July 18th, 2014 at the The Haven Event Center, GRA Ikeja, Lagos.

Check out more pictures below.

Photographer : Kelechi Amadi Obi
Makeup: Kingsley of @bmpromakeup
Stylist: Rhoda Ebun @rhodaebun
Location: Elegusi Beach Lagos.

Couple Love - Annie Idibia and 2Face are Missing Each Other

Posted: 28 Jun 2014 08:12 AM PDT

The life of celebrity couples like Annie and 2Face Idibia can get crazy sometimes. Their work means they always have to be on the road.

When the husband is a musician and the wife and actress, they may be in concert and on loacation in the different far ends of the country sometimes.

It seems that is the case for Annie and 2Face now as the shared the picture above with the caption;

Miss my big babyyyyy!!! Am crazeeeeee n he's out of his mind... #besties #lovers #fighters #family #1soul #1love #missingTins

Sinach Weds Joseph - All The White Wedding Pictures and Video of First Kiss

Posted: 28 Jun 2014 09:19 AM PDT

Gospel singer Sinach had her traditional wedding last weekend (here), and this week, she and husband Pastor Joseph celebrate their white wedding at the Christ Embassy church premise in Ikeja, Lagos. 

Below are photos from her white wedding which is currently on-going. She looks so beautiful and so many people turned out for her wedding.

3 Reasons Why Your Wife Will Cheat On You

Posted: 28 Jun 2014 08:57 AM PDT

By Taryn Hillin

Past research has suggested that infidelity is one of the leading causes of divorce. But what drives a person to become unfaithful?

Thanks to a new study published in Contemporary Family Therapy, we now have an inside look into why married women cheat.

Researchers Michelle Jeanfreau, Anthony Jurich, and Michael Mong conducted case studies on four women aged 24 to 51 who cheated on their spouses and whose marriages subsequently ended in divorce. Through in-depth analysis, researchers discovered three common risk factors that contributed to the infidelity.

1. Lack of quality time. 

Related - What is Your Love Langage

According to the study, all four women expressed a desire to spend more time with their husbands but were often denied, making them feel like a second or third priority to their husbands' jobs or social lives.

Bella, 48, began her affair three years into her marriage and said she often felt anger toward her husband for leaving her constantly. ''After we had our first child, he'd come in from work, take his bath. I had supper ready, [he'd take] a little nap, get up and go out partying all the time and leave me home with the kids.''

Similarly, 36-year-old Kate, who cheated on her husband after five years of marriage, said their lack of together time led to constant fighting. "He started coming in late at night, and he would leave early in the mornings and it's like we never saw each other," she explained to researchers. "We would always argue. I wanted him to spend more time with me and he would always make other plans ... do his own thing."

The women, as the researchers explained, felt their husbands were not reciprocating the same level of desire to maintain a strong connection in the marriage, which made them susceptible to finding that connection elsewhere.

2. Inability to resolve conflict.

Related - 7 Tips For Resolving Conflict in Marriage

An inability to communicate often leads to relationship conflicts going unresolved. In these particular cases, the lack of resolution or change in future behavior left the women feeling frustrated, and many voiced a concern that while problems were recognized, no progress was made to fix them.

''We would try and he would say, you know, I'm (going) to do better….and he never would," said Kate.

Linda, 51, who divorced after 21 years of marriage but started cheating just six years in, said she and her ex simply failed to address the root of their conflicts. ''I'd usually just leave until he cooled off and then I'd come back and pout and not say nothing to him.''

The researchers concluded that a lack of communication was a precursor to cheating: "In each case, the attraction to marital infidelity began to grow for the women because the unresolved issues continued to be a source of conflict in the marital relationship, pushing the women further away from their spouses."

3. Lack of attention.

Related - 8 Ways To Date Your Partner Again

Through the study, it became clear that all the women craved more intimacy in their marriages. This void was eventually filled by an affair partner.

Bella began thinking about an affair when "somebody started showing me the affection that I needed….the touching and feeling and being wanted.''

Zoie, 24, who began cheating just seven months into her marriage, said that her husband wouldn't give her even five minutes of attention, whereas her affair partner would talk to her about anything and everything.

Linda, however, summed up the women's desires best. "I want somebody in my life that would love me for me. That would just show attention to me for me…And you know made me feel like I was worthwhile. It was just somebody there to have attention with, show me attention…make me feel better about myself," she said.

What does it all mean?

According to the researchers, none of the women actively sought out affairs. As time went on, however, they grew more frustrated in their marriages and the partner they cheated with became more desirable. When the opportunity arose, there was less hesitation to stray.

Of course, every marriage is different, but the authors of the study note that these specific insights into cheating could help people and professionals identify early warning signs in relationships and work toward fixing them.

First Published on HuffPo

Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde and Dakore Akande Glam Up For Pampers' Photo Shoot

Posted: 28 Jun 2014 04:04 AM PDT

Both are mothers and stars. Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde has four children between 10 and 15, while Dakore Akande has two babies, one and three. The women have been made Procter & Gamble (P&G)'s Pampers brand ambassadors.

Procter & Gamble (P&G)'s Pampers is the world's top-selling brand of baby nappies. For more than 40 years, Pampers has been helping to improve life for babies, toddlers, and the parents who care for them through a complete line of diapers, training pants, and wipes designed for every stage of baby's development.

The ever adorable modern mothers 'glammed up' for a photo-shoot, with make-up by Banke Meshida-Lawal of BM|Pro, yesterday 26th June. See more Behind the Scene photos below.

Handsome Criminal Jeremy Meeks Gets $30K Per Month Modeling Offers For ‘Hot Gangster’ Look

Posted: 28 Jun 2014 08:58 AM PDT

Jeremy Meeks, the handsome criminal who became internet sensation after his mugshot went viral may have found another career path out of crime, modelling.

And no, his tattoos will not count against him as Meeks  is being eyed by modeling agencies including Blaze Modelz for his 'hot gangster' look, according to reports.

The modelling agency thinks the revealing teardrop is edgy and sexy, according to TMZ, which claims a rival agency that didn't want to give its name is also pursuing Meeks.

He could make up to $30,000 a month for runway jobs and campaigns with exclusive designers such as Versace and Armani, but he has to get out of prison first.

Meeks, 30, was booked on weapons and gang charges. Stockton, Calif. Police posted his mug shot to its Facebook page where it went viral, collecting nearly 100,000 "likes." Comments praised his strong features, gangland tattoos, and striking blue eyes.

Meeks is currently being held on $900,000 bail and is facing nearly a dozen felonies.

Meeks' wife and the mother of his 3-year-old son is said not to be happy with all the attention.

"She's furious," Meeks' friend Simone Johnson said. "Her man is in there and people are taking it as a joke, thinking it's funny talking about his looks, saying all kinds of crazy things."

KWAM1 Stars in New Eko Movie With Bukky Wright, Olumide Bakare and Jide Kosoko

Posted: 28 Jun 2014 08:58 AM PDT

Fuji musician, King Wasiu Ayinde Marshal aka K1 De Ultimate (KWAM1), is fast becoming a familiar face in Nollywood as he stars with Bukky Wright, Olumide Bakare, Jide Kosoko, Iya Awero, Orisha Bunmi and Yemi Blaq among others in Eko: The Blessing of Olofin.

The movie though yet to be released was shot in Ifo and Badagry, directed by Femi Bright and produced by Fola Onifade, MD/CEO of Spectacular Outdoors Limited.

According to the producer, the movie features a very large cast and the story will set the record straight on the true Lagos State. Eko, The Blessing of Olofin will answer uestions stirred by the controversy that happened a few months back, where people insisted that Lagos was a no man's land.

See more photos below.

President Goodluck Jonathan Writes on Government Efforts to Find Missing Chibok Girls

Posted: 28 Jun 2014 12:03 AM PDT

As if in answer to my question on the deteriorating security situation in Nigeria, President Goodluck Jonathan has written an article for the Washington Post about the Government's efforts to find the Chibok girls abducted by Boko Haram.

I have had to remain quiet about the continuing efforts by Nigeria's military, police and investigators to find the girls kidnapped in April from the town of Chibok by the terrorist group Boko Haram. I am deeply concerned, however, that my silence as we work to accomplish the task at hand is being misused by partisan critics to suggest inaction or even weakness.

My silence has been necessary to avoid compromising the details of our investigation. But let me state this unequivocally: My government and our security and intelligence services have spared no resources, have not stopped and will not stop until the girls are returned home and the thugs who took them are brought to justice. On my orders, our forces have aggressively sought these killers in the forests of northern Borno state, where they are based. They are fully committed to defending the integrity of their country.

My heart aches for the missing children and their families. I am a parent myself, and I know how awfully this must hurt. Nothing is more important to me than finding and rescuing our girls.

Since 2010, thousands of people have been killed, injured, abducted or forced by Boko Haram, which seeks to overwhelm the country and impose its ideology on all Nigerians. My government is determined to make that impossible. We will not succumb to the will of terrorists.

The abduction of our children cannot be seen as an isolated event. Terrorism knows no borders. This month, Nigeria, Benin, Cameroon, Chad, Niger, Britain and the United States established an External Intelligence Response Unit to share security information on such threats in West Africa. I propose that we build on this step to establish an enduring, worldwide commitment to destroying terrorism and those who finance or give safe haven to the terrorists.

In September, I will urge the U.N. General Assembly to establish a U.N.-coordinated system for sharing intelligence and, if necessary, special forces and law enforcement to confront terrorism wherever it occurs.

In Nigeria, there are political, religious and ethnic cleavages to overcome if we are to defeat Boko Haram. We need greater understanding and outreach between Muslims and Christians. We also know that, as it seeks to recruit the gullible, Boko Haram exploits the economic disparities that remain a problem in our country. We are addressing these challenges through such steps as bringing stakeholders together and creating a safe schools initiative, a victims' support fund and a presidential economic recovery program for northeastern Nigeria. We are also committed to ridding our country of corruption and safeguarding human and civil rights and the rule of law.

Something positive can come out of the situation in Nigeria: most important, the return of the Chibok girls, but also new international cooperation to deny havens to terrorists and destroy their organizations wherever they are — whether in the forests of Nigeria, on the streets of New York or sanctuaries in Iraq or Pakistan. Those who value humanity , civilization and the innocence of children can do no less.

Source - WP

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