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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Romance Meets Life

Romance Meets Life

#Fact - Millionaires Prefer To Date Women With Less Money Than Them

Posted: 31 Dec 2013 03:02 AM PST

According to a new survey by MillionaireMatch.com, a dating site for millionaires, rich men have very different dating preferences than their female counterparts.

The site surveyed a random sample of nearly 15,000 of their members in order to discern what type of people millionaires prefer to date. The results revealed that the vast majority of millionaire men, 79.6 percent, seek out non-millionaire women, while 84.5 percent of the female millionaires would prefer to date another millionaire.

Darren Shuster, a representative for MillionaireMatch.com, said in a press release that one of the reasons rich men don't want to date rich women is because they want a partner they can take care of.

"We were very surprised to learn that the great majority of our male millionaire members sought non-millionaires," said Shuster. "It seems that financially independent men want to share their wealth with those less fortunate. With women, the story is much different."

The female millionaires surveyed indicated that they are "not looking to take care of anybody" and would prefer a financially stable partner.

The survey also found that the rich women would be more careful with their wealth if they entered into a marriage than the rich men. Eighty-two percent of the female respondents said they would insist on a prenuptial agreement, while only 17.4 percent of the male respondents would do the same. [SOURCE]

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