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Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Washington starts selling weed

State opens a pot of gold |

July 8th
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Legal Weed Goes on Sale in Washington State

The first legal, recreational marijuana stores will open for business in Washington state on Tuesday, making it the second state in the nation after Colorado to allow pot to be bought and consumed more or less like alcohol

Israel Strikes Back at Hamas

Israel's military launched 'Operation Protective Edge', striking at least 50 sites by air and sea in a bid to curb rocket fire from the militant-controlled enclave, amid rising tensions over the murder of a Palestinian youth thought to be revenge for the abduction and killing of three Israeli teenagers

These Are the Most Stressed Kinds of Parents

A survey of more than 2,500 Americans found that parents of teenagers and single parents are equally stressed about raising their kids, barely less than people who experience dangerous work situations or with an income of less than $20,000

Joe Biden's Son's Company Hires a D.C. Lobbyist

An obscure and private natural gas company has been hiring friends and family of Secretary of State John Kerry and Vice President Joe Biden as it seeks to influence Congress, with Biden's son R. Hunter Biden joining its board this past spring

Transformers 4 Is the No. 1 Film in China's History
5 Reasons Brazil Will Lose to Germany (and 3 Reasons It Won't)
Meet Gertrude Weaver, the New Oldest American
The Cupcake Craze is Officially Over
Why Liberal Arts Majors Are Paying Extra to Learn Job Skills
The World's Most Populous Muslim Nation Is About to Decide Its Political Future
Report Details Hardships of Syria's Refugee Mothers
Judge Grants Preliminary Approval for NFL Concussion Suit Settlement

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