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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Another Chinese military unit accused of hacking by US company (9 stories)

Topix Blog News

Blog News - News June 10, 2014

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In May, the US indicted five Chinese hackers linked to People's Liberation Army Unit 61398 that allegedly targeted the US nuclear power, metals and solar industries to steal trade secrets.

The country's big wire services aren't going to be a full-time presence in the U.S. Treasury's press room.

OK, so the Turing Test is fraught with problems. First and most annoying is the apparent fact, though I will not stick up for this fact if challenged, that whatever you think the Turing test is, it isn't.

A judge has turned aside an administration effort to quash subpoenas to Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, whose testimony is being sought in a lawsuit filed against the late blogger Andrew Breitbart.

I try not to get hung up on the semantics and trivialities of the beer industry, such as at what percentage ABV does a beer [dis]qualify as a session beer .

When I think of "traditional foods," the first thing that comes to mind is real, fermented pickles.

Much to the dismay of fans, another season of AMC hit The Walking Dead has recently concluded.

Anyone who is a fan of the film version of "1776" has marveled at how brilliantly they replicated Independence Hall in Philadelphia with the sets they built in Hollywood.

If you are a business owner, you know how vital an audit is to your success. It's important to assess the finances, inventory and/or policies that a company holds in order to avoid tragic mistakes.

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